Friday 2 January 2015

CIM qn paper Oct-2014

Part A
1.       What is concept of CIM?
2.       What is graphic workstation?
3.       What are the techniques of geometric modeling?
4.       Define graphic standard.
5.       What are the types of coding structure?
6.       What is master production schedule?
7.       Define concurrent engineering?
8.       List out any two materials used in rapid prototyping.
9.       What are the components of NC system?
10.   List out any four advantages of CNC machines.
11.   State any two requirements of good slide ways.
12.   What is the function of encoder?
13.   List out any two formats used in NC part programming.
14.   What is point to point motion control?
15.   What are the functions of M02 and M06?
16.   What is macro?
17.   What are the benefits of FMS?
18.   List out any two types of AGV.
19.   List out any two robotic sensors.
20.   What is intelligent manufacturing system?

Part B
21. A) i) What are the benefits of CIM? -  4
         ii) Explain the implementation of GKS in CAD workstation? - 8
      B)   i) What is transformation? Explain the translation. - 4
         ii) Explain constructive solid geometry. - 8        

22. A) i) What are the benefits of CAM? - 3
          ii) Explain with neat sketch the variant type CAPP? - 9
     B) i) Explain product development cycle. - 8
        ii) Describe enterprises resource planning. - 4

23. A) i) Explain  working principle of CNC system. - 6
         ii) With neat sketch explain the working of re-circulating ball screw. -6
     B) i) Explain the  working principle of wire EDM machine. - 6
ii) Explain the working of DC servomotor. - 6

24. A) i) Explain APT programming . - 8
          ii) Explain the peck drilling cycle. - 4
     B) i) Explain machine zero and work zero. - 4
        ii) Write a sample part-programme for milling. -8

25. A) i) Explain flexible manufacturing cell.   - 6
          ii) Describe basic robot motion. - 6
    B) i) What are the benefits of AGV?  - 4
       ii) Explain industrial applications of robot. - 8

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